Book: Secure Systems Development with UML


First 20 Pages

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Table of Contents (as .pdf file)

Part I     Prologue

  1. Introduction

    1. Overview
    2. Outline
    3. How to Use this Book
  2. Walk-through: Using UML for Security

    1. Security Requirements Capture with Use Case Diagrams
    2. Secure Business Processes with Activity Diagram
    3. Physical Security Using Deployment Diagrams
    4. Security-Critical Interaction with Sequence Diagrams
    5. Secure States Using Statechart Diagrams
  3. Background

    1. Security Engineering
    2. Unified Modeling Language
    3. Analyzing UML Models

Part II     Developing Secure Systems

  1. Model-based Security Engineering with UML

    1. UMLsec Profile
    2. Design Principles for Secure Systems
    3. Applying Security Patterns
    4. Notes
    5. Discussion
  2. Applications

    1. Secure Channels
    2. A Varian of the Internet Protocol TLS
    3. Comon Electronic Purse Specifications
    4. Developing Secure Java Programs
    5. Further Applications
    6. Notes
    7. Discussion

Part III     Tool Support

  1. Tool support for UMLsec

    1. Extending UML CASE Tools with Analsis Tools
    2. Automated Tools for UMLsec
    3. Linking Models to Rumtime Data: SAP R/3 Permissions
    4. Linking Models to Code
    5. Notes
    6. Diskussion
  2. Formal Foundation

    1. UML Machines
    2. UML Machines Systems
    3. Refinement
    4. Rely-Guarantee Specifications
    5. Reasoning About Security Properties
    6. Notes
    7. Discussion
  3. Formal Systems Development with UML

    1. Formal Semantics for a Fragment of UML
    2. Development with UML
    3. Notes
    4. Discussion

Part IV     Epilogue

  1. Further Material

    1. More on the UMLsec Approach
    2. Other Approaches to Security Engineering
  2. Outlook

Part V     Appendices

  1. Towards UML 2.0

  2. The Semantics of UML Machine Rules

  3. Proofs

    1. UML Machines
    2. Refinement
    3. Rely-Guarantee Specifications
    4. Reasoning About Security Properties
    5. Formal Systems Development with UML
    6. Secure Channels
    7. A Variant of the Internet Protocol TLS
    8. Common Electronic Purse Specifications