Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens - Publications by topic
Secure Software Engineering - Secure Service-/Cloud-based Systems


  • S. Ahmadian, J. Jürjens: Supporting Model-based Privacy Analysis by Exploiting Privacy Level Agreements. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2016), 2016.
    @InProceedings{cloudcom16, author = {S.~Ahmadian and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Supporting Model-based Privacy Analysis by Exploiting Privacy Level Agreements}, booktitle = {8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2016)}, year = {2016}, keywords = {internationalConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, }
  • S. Ahmadian, F. Coerschulte, J. Jürjens: Supporting the Security Certification and Privacy Level Agreements in the Context of Clouds (Invited Paper). In: Selected Papers of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD), pp. 80-95, 2016.
    @InProceedings{bmsd15selected, author = {S.~Ahmadian and F.~Coerschulte and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Supporting the Security Certification and Privacy Level Agreements in the Context of Clouds (Invited Paper)}, booktitle = {Selected Papers of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD)}, year = {2016}, volume = {257}, pages = {80--95}, keywords = {conferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
  • T. Humberg, J. Jürjens: Compliance in Clouds. In: Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing, 2016
    @InCollection{clouds16, author = {T.~Humberg and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing}, year = {2016}, keywords = {invitedBookChapters,secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
  • S. Ahmadian, F. Coerschulte, J. Jürjens: Supporting the Security Certification of Cloud-Computing-Infrastructures (Invited Paper). In: Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), 2015.
    @InProceedings{bmsd15, author = {S.~Ahmadian and F.~Coerschulte and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Supporting the Security Certification of Cloud-Computing-Infrastructures (Invited Paper)}, booktitle = {Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015)}, year = {2015}, file = {preprint:http\://;slides:http\://;audio:http\://}, keywords = {conferences,secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
     BibTeX   preprint   slides   audio 
  • J. Jürjens: Der Industrial Data Space: Datenanalyse für Industrie- und Geschäftsprozesse im Mittelstand. In: IHK Technologieforum Rheinland-Pfalz 2015, 2015.
    @InProceedings{ihkrp15, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {{Der Industrial Data Space: Datenanalyse f\"ur Industrie- und Gesch\"aftsprozesse im Mittelstand}}, booktitle = {IHK Technologieforum Rheinland-Pfalz 2015}, year = {2015}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
  • T. Humberg, C. Wessel, D. Poggenpohl, S. Wenzel, T. Ruhroth, J. Jürjens: Using Ontologies to Analyze Compliance Requirements of Cloud-Based Processes. In: Cloud Computing and Services Science (selected best papers), Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 453, pp. 1-16, 2014.
    @InProceedings{closer13selected, author = {T.~Humberg and C.~Wessel and D.~Poggenpohl and S.~Wenzel and T.~Ruhroth and J.~J{\"u}rjens}, title = {Using Ontologies to Analyze Compliance Requirements of Cloud-Based Processes}, booktitle = {Cloud Computing and Services Science (selected best papers)}, year = {2014}, volume = {453}, series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {internationalConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secvolution, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, file = {preprint:http\://;dblp:;SpringerLink:}, pages = {1--16}, }
     BibTeX   preprint   dblp   SpringerLink 
  • J. Jürjens: Geschäftsprozesse in der Cloud - aber sicher ! (... und compliant). In: Software Engineering + Architecture (SEACON 2014), 2014.
    @InProceedings{seacon14J, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse in der Cloud -- aber sicher ! (... und compliant)}, booktitle = {Software Engineering + Architecture (SEACON 2014)}, year = {2014}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, file = {slides:http\://;audio:http\://}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides   audio 
  • T. Humberg, C. Wessel, D. Poggenpohl, S. Wenzel, T. Ruhroth, J. Jürjens: Ontology-Based Analysis of Compliance and Regulatory Requirements of Business Processes. In: F. Desprez, D. Ferguson, E. Hadar, F. Leymann, M. Jarke, M. Helfert (editors): 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Closer 2013), SciTePress, pp. 553-561, 2013.
    @InProceedings{closer13WHWPRJ, author = {T.~Humberg and C.~Wessel and D.~Poggenpohl and S.~Wenzel and T.~Ruhroth and J.~J{\"u}rjens}, title = {Ontology-Based Analysis of Compliance and Regulatory Requirements of Business Processes}, booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Closer 2013)}, year = {2013}, editor = {F.~Desprez and D.~Ferguson and E.~Hadar and F.~Leymann and M.~Jarke and M.~Helfert}, publisher = {SciTePress}, keywords = {internationalConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, file = {preprint:http\://;dblp:}, pages = {553--561}, }
     BibTeX   preprint   dblp 
  • J. Jürjens: Sicherheit und Compliance in der Cloud (Eingeladener Vortrag). In: microfin Jahresempfang 2013, Frankfurt, 2013.
    @InProceedings{microfin13J, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Sicherheit und Compliance in der Cloud (Eingeladener Vortrag)}, booktitle = {microfin Jahresempfang 2013}, year = {2013}, address = {Frankfurt}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, }
     BibTeX   slides 
  • J. Jürjens: Sicherheit und Compliance in der Cloud 3. Cyber-Sicherheits-Tag für Teilnehmer der Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit 2013
    @Misc{cybersicherheit13, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Sicherheit und Compliance in der Cloud}, howpublished = {3. Cyber-Sicherheits-Tag f{\"u}r Teilnehmer der Allianz f{\"u}r Cyber-Sicherheit}, year = {2013}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, }
     BibTeX   slides 
  • S. Wenzel, C. Wessel, T. Humberg, J. Jürjens: Securing Processes for Outsourcing into the Cloud. In: F. Leymann, I. Ivanov, M. van Sinderen, T. Shan (editors): 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Closer 2012), pp. 675-680, 2012.
    @InProceedings{spoc12, author = {S.~Wenzel and C.~Wessel and T.~Humberg and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Securing Processes for Outsourcing into the Cloud}, booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Closer 2012)}, year = {2012}, editor = {F.~Leymann and I.~Ivanov and M.~van Sinderen and T.~Shan}, pages = {675--680}, DOI = {10.5220/0003979306750680}, file = {slides:http\://;preprint:http\://;dblp:}, keywords = {internationalConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
     BibTeX   DOI   slides   preprint   dblp 
  • J. Jürjens: Informationssicherheit im Cloud Computing. In: Web-Konferenz des Anwenderkreis Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation (AKIT), 2012.
    @InProceedings{akit12, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Informationssicherheit im Cloud Computing}, booktitle = {Web-Konferenz des Anwenderkreis Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation (AKIT)}, year = {2012}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, file = {slides:http\://;audio:http\://}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides   audio 
  • J. Jürjens: Security and Compliance in Clouds. In: CloudConf 2011, Munich, 2011.
    @Conference{cloudconf11J, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {CloudConf 2011}, year = {2011}, address = {Munich}, file = {audio:http\://;slides:http\://}, keywords = {workshop, industrialConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, }
     BibTeX   audio   slides 
  • J. Jürjens: Security and Compliance in Clouds. In: CloudDays2011, Stuttgart and Cologne (Germany), 2011.
    @Conference{scc11b, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {CloudDays2011}, year = {2011}, address = {Stuttgart and Cologne (Germany)}, file = {audio:http\://;slides:http\://}, keywords = {workshop, industrialConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   audio   slides 
  • J. Jürjens: Security and Compliance in Clouds. In: IT-Compliance 2011, Berlin (Germany), 2011. 4th Pan-European Conference.
    @Conference{scc11c, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {IT-Compliance 2011}, year = {2011}, address = {Berlin (Germany)}, note = {4th Pan-European Conference.}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {workshop, industrialConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides 
  • J. Jürjens, K. Beckers: Security and Compliance in Clouds. In: Norbert Pohlmann, Helmut Reimer, Wolfgang Schneider (editors): ISSE 2010 - Securing Electronic Business Processes, Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe 2010 Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 5-7, 2010, Vieweg+Teubner, Munich (Germany), pp. 91-100, 2010.
    @Conference{scc11d, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens and K. Beckers}, editor = {Norbert Pohlmann and Helmut Reimer and Wolfgang Schneider}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {{ISSE} 2010 - Securing Electronic Business Processes, Highlights of the Information Security Solutions Europe 2010 Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 5-7, 2010}, pages = {91--100}, publisher = {Vieweg+Teubner}, year = {2010}, address = {Munich (Germany)}, file = {audio:http\://;slides:http\://}, keywords = {workshop, industrialConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   audio   slides 
  • J. Jürjens, M. Hirsch, J.-C. Küster: Security and Compliance in Clouds: Pattern-Based Compliance and Security Requirements Engineering. In: iqnite 2011, Düsseldorf, 2011.
    @Conference{iqnite11, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens and M.~Hirsch and J.-C.~K{\"u}ster}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds: Pattern-Based Compliance and Security Requirements Engineering}, booktitle = {iqnite 2011}, year = {2011}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {industrialConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides 
  • K. Beckers, M. Hirsch, J. Jürjens: Compliance in Clouds: A cloud computing security perspective. In: GI SECMGT-Workshop, Frankfurt (Germany), 2010.
    @InProceedings{cicaccsp10, author = {K.~Beckers and M.~Hirsch and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Compliance in Clouds: A cloud computing security perspective}, booktitle = {GI SECMGT-Workshop}, year = {2010}, address = {Frankfurt (Germany)}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {workshop, industrialConferences,secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, }
     BibTeX   slides 
  • J. Jürjens: Outsourcing, SaaS & Clouds: Aber sicher ! (... und compliant). In: Tag der Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen (IuK-Tag NRW 2010), Wuppertal (Germany), 2010.
    @InProceedings{iuknrw10j, author = {J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {{Outsourcing, SaaS \& Clouds: Aber sicher ! (... und compliant)}}, booktitle = {Tag der Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen (IuK-Tag NRW 2010)}, year = {2010}, address = {Wuppertal (Germany)}, file = {slides:http\://}, keywords = {nonEnglish, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides 
  • K. Beckers, J. Jürjens: Security and Compliance in Clouds. In: Information Security Solutions Europe (ISSE 2010), Berlin (Germany), 2010.
    @InProceedings{scc10, author = {K.~Beckers and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens}, title = {Security and Compliance in Clouds}, booktitle = {Information Security Solutions Europe (ISSE 2010)}, year = {2010}, address = {Berlin (Germany)}, file = {slides:http\://;preprint:http\://;SpringerLink:}, keywords = {industrialConferences, workshop, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems, secureSoftwareEngineeringCompliance}, URL = {}, }
     BibTeX   URL   slides   preprint   SpringerLink 
  • Martin Deubler, Johannes Grünbauer, J. Jürjens, Guido Wimmel: Sound development of secure service-based systems.. In: Marco Aiello, Mikio Aoyama, Francisco Curbera, Mike P. Papazoglou (editors): 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2004), ACM, pp. 115-124, 2004.
    @InProceedings{sdssbs04, author = {Martin Deubler and Johannes Gr{\"u}nbauer and J.~{J}{\"u}{r}jens and Guido Wimmel}, title = {Sound development of secure service-based systems.}, booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2004)}, year = {2004}, editor = {Marco Aiello and Mikio Aoyama and Francisco Curbera and Mike P. Papazoglou}, pages = {115--124}, publisher = {ACM}, DOI = {}, file = {preprint:http\://;dblp:}, ISBN = {1-58113-871-7}, keywords = {internationalConferences, secureSoftwareEngineeringSecureService/CloudBasedSystems}, }
     BibTeX   DOI   preprint   dblp