

What's on this site?

You can download the tool and previous work on violation patterns here. In this zip-file you get an Eclipse-project containing all relevant data, code and models. Please note that the name of the tool is AntiPatternPatcher, resembling a former name of violation patterns.

Information about AntiPatternPatcher

The AntiPatternPatcher is developed using Windows 7 64-bit and JDK 1.6.0_23. It should work on other platforms and newer JDKs aswell.

The tool is realized as an Eclipse-plugin, so it contains all necessary dependencies.
Firstly, import the project contained in the .zip-file above into your workspace and satisfy the plugin dependencies.
Then, to use the tool, please follow these steps:
  • open Eclipse
  • open an Eclipse runtime environment with activated AntiPatternPatcher plugin
  • as soon as the runtime environment is running AntiPatternPatcher can be startet using this button of the toolbar: Toolbar-Button

Usage of the Tool

  • You can find all patterns, cliché instance files as well as BPMN and UML(sec)-models within the directory resources.
  • After starting the tool, you may load an instance model (example_insecure_links.uml for example) and a Henshin transformation model (secure_links.henshin for example) to be applied to it. The name of the cliché instance file ist calculated from the name of the Henshin transformation model and loaded automatically.
  • After loading and analyzing the input models, a new window appears that gives you information about detected vulnerabilites and lets you select and apply patches:Screenshot - Please choose Path Configuration
  • After clicking "Apply Patches", the patched model file is created in the same folder in which the source model file is stored. The file name gets a suffix "_PATCHED".

Further Support

In case of any problems or further questions, feel free to contact us:
  • buerger at
  • juerjens at